The Three C’s for Niche Website Success

I have been operating a few websites since 2007 which makes me pretty experienced in the “website world”. BUT, everything is constantly changing so I have chased many shiny objects along the way. The one thing I have learned that works has not changed at all since the start. It is the three C’s for niche website success – CONTENT, CONSISTENCY, COMMUNICATE. Let’s dive deeper in the three C’s for niche website success.
One thing that works and continues to work is content creation. When I first started my website, I would blog about 2 times per week. Whatever I felt that my audience would benefit from I wrote about. There was ZERO research about whether it would be a popular topic or highly searched terms. I just wrote!
It was FUN! I shared ideas and reviewed research to help other professionals in my field. I did this for over 10 years. Slowly this brought in hundreds of thousands of pageviews to my website and ecommerce sales of digital products.
Then I started to learn about SEO and realized I might need a more focused plan to grow bigger. So I have become more thoughtful about what I post and how I write it. BUT, I still will create content that I think is important for my profession whether it will rank or not. I have a large email list and want to keep my readers engaged.
The one thing that has never changed is the content creation piece. On average, I post three times per week. Does it feel like a hamster wheel at times? Yup, but when each post gets done I am always satisfied at what I created.

Blog Post Content Workbook
I believe the real key to success is consistency not just content creation. When you show up every week, you are showing Google your website is still active and relevant. I run several websites and my most profitable one, is the website that I have been the most consistent with by posting weekly for close to 15 years!
Recently, I have had more time to work on my other websites. I have been posting on those websites on average two times per week. The uptick in Google Search Console results is started after a few months of this consistency. It is super exciting to see that graph line trend up. My goal for those websites is 50,000 pageviews per month.
After I create consistent content, I have to communicate to the world what has been written. This helps get more readers and email subscribers. From the start, I have always been building an email list where I email my readers 1-2 times per week. When I am in a productive zone, I also share on Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram. For certain posts or topics I create YouTube videos as well.
This communication helps to make it clear to my readers and Google that I am showing up to serve my audiences.
Truth be told, I can’t always keep up. We have six children and life at home can get BUSY for sure. Summer time work hours are at a minimum – we go camping a lot at Lake Champlain which I love. My lifestyle is not always conducive to creating that much content. Here is what I do when I can not keep up:
- decrease content creation on my smaller websites but I always post 3 times per week on the biggest one.
- don’t waste time communicating on social media.
The first option is out of necessity. Sometimes you just can’t get everything done that you want to get done in a day. The second option is based on years of data analysis on Google Analytics with eCommerce enabled. Social media traffic from Facebook, Pinterest, and especially Instagram has a ridiculously low conversion rate. YouTube’s conversion rate is much higher and my email list has the highest conversion rate when I send direct traffic. (More on that in a future post).
So when I have to blow off social media due to time constraints, I know it probably won’t affect my websites that much.
After close to 15 years of experience publishing niche websites that have earned millions, follow the rule of the three C’s – CONTENT, CONSISTENCY and COMMUNICATE. Remember 90% of life is showing up!