Vendor Application

Vendor Application for blauthors

Welcome!  We are so excited that you would like to apply and fill out the vendor application for blauthors – a blogger’s marketplace.  We truly believe that if we all purchase and support each others products we all win!

In order to be approved, we need to confirm that you are a blogger and that you sell digital virtual products (ie ebooks, pdfs, online courses, coaching services, etc).

At this time, our vendor space is limited to top quality sellers only.  We are looking for high quality content and we do review products before listing. If you are selling a course, digital membership or services, you will need to create a PDF document with the details for the customer to sign up following payment.  Once you become a blauthors vendor, you can add additional products without prior approval.

If you are accepted to become a vendor on blauthors, you will receive 70% of all sales.  You set the price for your digital documents and retain all the rights to the documents.  You can sell your digital documents wherever you wish in addition to blauthors.  We will deliver all the electronic documents immediately following payment and handle customer service.

We are not reselling non-digital materials at this time.  In addition, we DO NOT accept inappropriate or adult content for sale on blauthors.

Please submit your information below and we will email you shortly with all the details.  Thank you for your interest in helping other bloggers.

Vendor Application

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